• Sisters of Mary of Kakamega Generalate House Kakamega, Kenya
  • +254 705 945117
  • To share in the Redemptive Mission of Jesus Christ

    the Great Teacher and Healer

  • To share in the Redemptive

    Mission of Jesus Christ.

Our History

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Sisters of Mary of Kakamega

The Congregation of Sisters of Mary of Kakamega (SMK) is of Diocesan rite with it's headquarters in Mukumu in the Diocese of Kakamega along KIsumu-Kakamega Road.

The Congregation was started by the late Bishop Brandsma, a Mill Hill Missionary in 1932 in the Diocese of Kakamega in Kenya. He requested the help of the Ursuline Sisters from Bergen-Holland as to assist with the religious formation of the African girls who wished to become sisters. Some of these young girls were also trained as religious nuns to help other girls and women to learn to be self-sufficient in order to enhance and improve their standards of living.The Congregation came into existence as a result of the Mill Hill Missionary work and evangelization in western Kenya. The Mill Bishops, Fathers and Brothers have played an important role in the birth and growth of our institute.The Ursuline sisters of Berglam were our formators.The stem work of the congregation was spear headed by Msgr. Gorgonius Brandsma as our founder.

He worked hard to see that there were girls to continue with the missionary work as directed by the Pope. Many Mill Hill Bishops worked ethusiastically to make the history of the SMK to include Bishops Nicholas Stam, Fredrick Hall, Jan de Reeper

Here are the historical events for SMK.

  • 1932      - First six African Girls start their religious formation in Mukumu.
  • 1939      - The first two girls dress in their habit as novices.
  • 1942       - First vows of first two sisters - Angela and Ursula.
  • 1952       - Approval of the first constitution.
  • - Completion of the Chapel.

    - Final vows of first six sisters.

  • 1953      - Opening of Butula as the first covenant for the Sisters of Mary.
  • 1963-66 - Sr. Consolata Makokha appointed on the interim government.
  • 1966-68 - First chapter of the Sisters of Mary and electing the first Mother General.
  • 1968-73 - Resignation of the first superior genral and chapter of emergency convened.
  • - Changing of the habit and the veil.

  • 1977      -Renewal chapter, committee set to work on the directives of the Sisters of Mary.
  • - Approval of the directives by Rome.

  • 1982     - Handing over the Generalate by the Ursulines to the SMK, before Bishop Sulemeti.
  • 1983      - Celebration of Golden Jubilee during the office of Mother Alma.
  • 1992      - Celebration of Diamond Jubilee during the office of Mother Ancilla.
  • - Opening of the sick bay.

  • 2001      - Proclamation of a decree on the congregation of Sisters of Mary.
  • 2002      - Congregation under the leader of a commissioner Rt. Rev. Fr. Patrick kelly.
  • 2005      - The name changed from Sisters of Mary to Sisters of Mary of Kakamega(SMK).
  • 2007      - Opening of the Platinum by The Rt. Rev. Bishop Philip Sumuleti.
  • - Pilgrimage to Yala to the grave of the congregation's founder Msgr. G. Brandsama.

  • 2008     - Coming of The Ursuline Sisters from Bergen to celebrate 75 years with SMK.
  • - Approval of the amended constitution and directives by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Philp Sulumeti.

    - Issuing out of the amended constitution and directives of the Sisters of Mary of Kakamega.

Mark 10: 46-52