We are called to continue Christ's mission of proclaiming the "Good News", and to make Him present in the world today. As Sisters of Mary our mission is expresssed in our Spirit "perservering love and service" which summarizes the objectives and aims of our institute. This we do after the example of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother.
We are sent to carry out various apostolates and it is through them that we live out our mission. In each of these apostolate we draw our inspiration from Jesus Christ.
Checkout Our More Work"To continue proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ's mission to mankind and make Him present in the world today".
"Called to promote God's Glory by witnessing the consecrated life in sharing the mission of Jesus Christ in the imitation of the blessed Virgin Mary and the sanctification of each member of the institute."
The primary aim of the institute of The Sisters of Mary Kakamega is the pursuit of perfect charity by following Jesus Christ more closely and freely through the exercise of evengelical counsels with the aim of witnessing to the gospel and persuing perfect charity by following Jesus Christ in living community life.
Sharing in The redemptive mission of Christ The Great Teacher and Healer
Persevering love and service in living, this spirit, we emulate the faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary as she stands at the foot of the cross and enriched by Augustian spirituality.
The general administration is composed of the superior general and four general councillors who are assited by the general secretary and general financial administrator.The current general council is constituted as follows
The sick bay community is used to take care of the sick and weak Sisters in the congregation. ...
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